One year ago, 22-year-old Mahsa Jina Amini was detained by Iranian authorities who seek to deprive women of bodily autonomy. She was beaten in their custody and killed at the hands of the state. As we...
Every year, NIAC Action looks to our members to guide our advocacy priorities and goals for the year. This year's survey results will inform NIAC's organizational mandate and guide us to champion poli...
NIAC applauds a letter from Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) to the Biden administration urging they significantly ease the process for Iranians to come to the United States amid the Iranian government’s...
NIAC condemns in the strongest terms the execution of two young men today, Mohammad Mahdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, by Iranian authorities. Each were arrested in connection with nationwide p...
Tech companies should make all their products available so ordinary Iranians can access and operate virtual private networks and other tools that allow them to communicate freely in spite of governmen...
Tech companies should make all their products available so ordinary Iranians can access and operate virtual private networks and other tools that allow them to communicate freely in spite of governmen...
Take action now: send a message to Congress and the Biden administration to step up and work with the international community to increase multilateral pressure to stop the Iranian government's atrocit...
Click here to read this in English. به عنوان سازمانهای مدنی آمریکایی متعهد به حقوق زنان و عدالت در سراسر جهان، ما در همبستگی...
This groundbreaking report explains how the dehumanization of Iranians undermines U.S. policy objectives and hurts the Iranian-American community at home, and outlines recommendations to improve the c...
“Under this heavy confinement, not just my hair but even my eyebrows have become white,” wrote Siamak Namazi, a dual national of Iran and the U.S. imprisoned in Iran, in a recent letter to Iran’...
For too long, the Iranian government has met free expression with arbitrary detention–a flagrant violation of Iran’s international human rights obligations that poses a direct threat to Iran’s v...
Click here to read this in English. پس از دستگیری توماج صالحی خواننده رپ ایرانی به دست نیروهای امنیتی ایران، شورای ملی ایرانی�...