Last week, a senior State Department official acknowledged something the U.S. government had previously chalked up as simply Iranian propaganda: that sanctions are contributing to medicine shorta...
NIAC strongly applauds the White House for issuing a temporary general license authorizing charitable organizations to provide direct humanitarian and reconstruction assistance to the victims of ...
Media reports about Apple stores refusing to sell iPhones and iPads to Iranian Americans and Iranian visa holders have been causing quite a stir. But how sanctions on Iran can affect Iranian Amer...
The United States and Europe have two options: they can simultaneously reduce the odds of war and of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons; buy time for diplomacy; help the global economy by relieving p...
As the United States and Iran look for an exit ramp off the road to war, they may find a surprising new obstacle: the very sanctions legislation that many credit for bringing Iran back to the negotiat...
The California Democratic Party has taken a stand against war with Iran, voting unanimously to "oppose initiating war against Iran" as part of its platform, which was published today. ...
The international community took its strongest action to-date in support of human rights in Iran today, in a major victory for President Obama's policy of engagement at the United Nations Human R...
The international community took its strongest action to-date in support of human rights in Iran today, in a major victory for President Obama's policy of engagement at the United Nations Human R...
Two independent UN experts called for Iran to halt executions on Wednesday, warning that there had been a dramatic surge in death sentences carried out in the absence of internationally recognize...
Congressman Brad Sherman is planning to introduce new sanctions aimed at Iranian civilian flights, which could exacerbate Iran's already abysmal flight safety record. Hundreds of civilian passeng...
A bipartisan group of Senators are urging the Obama Administration to undertake serious efforts to address Iran's human rights crisis at the United Nations this fall. The group, led by Senator Ca...
The Huffington Post - The Obama Administration made a conscious decision to forgo a major push on human rights in Iran so as to not distract from the all-important UN sanctions push, according to...