May 2, 2020

NIACast – Episode 3: Pompeo wants back in the Iran deal… sort of

Welcome to NIACast! Join the staff of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) as we break down the current political issues, celebrate arts and culture, and discuss the most pressing issues of the day with experts and members of the Iranian-American community. Want to submit a question to be answered on air? Send it over to [email protected]. And make sure to subscribe to NIACast using your favorite streamer so you never miss an episode!

Episode 3: Pompeo wants back in the Iran deal… sort of

Mana, Assal, and Jamal discuss the Trump administration’s new campaign to kill the Iran deal at the UN by claiming the US. is still a participant in the agreement. Then they talk through a troubling update on Dr. Sirous Asgari, the Iranian scientist unjustly detained by ICE, who has now contracted coronavirus (16:40).

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