February 3, 2017

America Responds to #MuslimBan

An up-to-date list of ongoing protests, lawsuits, as well as grassroots, corporate, and government efforts to stop Trump’s ban.


The corporate world, government, independent organizations, and citizens of the United States have responded to Trump’s ban on Muslim-majority countries. Here’s some of what we have accomplished, and what we are continuing to accomplish in the coming days.

After reading this article: remember to contact your members of Congress about the Muslim ban. There are currently two pieces of legislation (one in the House and another in the Senate) that can stop Trump’s ban. Sign our petition and call your members of Congress (we’ve provided their contact information and a script) to let lawmakers know that there will be a cost if they choose to support the ban.

[accordion][acc_item title=”Protests”]

Washington, DC

No Refugee and Muslim Travel Ban


Academics United – No Visa and Immigration Ban: GMU

New York

NYC Students Walkout: No Ban, No Wall

Refugee Solidarity Rally

Jewish Rally for Refugees – NYC


No Ban, No Wall Rally at Texas State Capitol

[/acc_item] [acc_item title=”Corporate World”]

Apple, Microsoft, and 95 other tech firms, from the largest in the nation to startups, have joined together to support legal fight against President Donald Trump’s travel ban.

Starbucks has promised to hire 10,000 refugees

Lyft has pledged to donate $1 million to ACLU

Airbnb is offering free housing to anybody left stranded due to the ban

[/acc_item][acc_item title=”Government”]

Washington State was the first to sue administration over the ban

Virginia’s Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring filed a lawsuit to challenge the ban

Massachusetts is suing Trump administration on grounds that ban violates right to religious freedom.
Also, a Mass. federal judge intervened on behalf of two Iranian students who teach at UMass Dartmouth, preventing the government from enforcing the travel ban for seven days. The men have filed a lawsuit in Boston federal court; Mass. is backing this lawsuit

New York is also suing the Trump administration over the ban.

[/acc_item][acc_item title=”Independent Organizations”]



CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations)

Arab American Civil Rights League

[/acc_item][acc_item title=”Grassroots”]

Know Your Rights Training – Muslim Ban

  • 2/9/2017 @ 12:30-2 pm
  • Hosted by NYIT Muslim Students Association
  • Location: Bear’s Den
  • NYIT is bringing in representatives to educate students on what their rights are and how to utilize them
  • https://www.facebook.com/events/249075368865547/

SPAG Community Conversation: Muslim Ban

  • Wednesday 2/8/2017 @ 6pm-9pm
  • Erigavo Restaurant: 3105 Westerville Road, Columbus OH, 43224
  • SPAG (Somali Political Action Group) is hosting an informational session for the Somali community regarding the recent immigration ban. Lawyers and CAIR representatives will present to explain the ban. Local non-profits that assist refugees such as UsTogether, CRIS and OurHelpers will be on hand to provide information as well.
  • https://www.facebook.com/events/385135268516642/

The Muslim Ban: How We Got Here and Where We Go Next

  • Thursday 2/9/2017 @ 7-9pm
  • Verso Books: 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201
  • Panelists including authors Mehreen Kasana, Moustafa Bayoumi and Arun Kundnani will moderate a discussion about the roots of the Muslim Ban, what comes next, and what we can do to fight back against anti-Muslim bigotry.
  • https://www.facebook.com/events/401385350208029/

Defending Immigrant Rights: A Brooklyn Call to Action

  • Thursday 2/9/2017 @ 6:30-8:30pm
  • Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Pkway, Brooklyn, NY, 11238
  • Hosting a critical conversation with local leaders working on the frontlines of the fight for immigrant rights. A panel of experts will discuss the ongoing impact on Brooklynites of the recent executive order  The purpose of this teach-in is to inform students and colleagues about the international legal dimension, to humanize the impact of the ban on people all over the world, and to think comparatively across the Middle East, South Asia, and Latin America.
  • https://www.facebook.com/events/1299180346834768/

Muslim Ban: The Constitution and American Values

  • Sunday 2/12/2017 @ 5-8pm
  • Safari Restaurant and Event Center
  • 3010 4th Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55408
  • An informational and community conversation meeting to help answer as many questions as possible about the ban
  • https://www.facebook.com/events/1312722042142757/

Trump’s Ban: A Teach-In

  • Wednesday 2/8/2017 @ 5:30-7:45pm
  • 84 Waterman Street, Room 130
  • The purpose of this teach-in is to inform students and colleagues about the international legal dimension, to humanize the impact of the ban on people all over the world, and to think comparatively across the Middle East, South Asia, and Latin America.
  • http://watson.brown.edu/mes/events/2017/trumps-ban-teach



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