Click here to read this in English (published in Newsweek on 1/13/21). Written by Sina Toossi اخیراً ضیا نبوی، روزنامهنگار و زندانی سیاسی سابق خطاب ب�...
Last December, NIAC worked with Rep. Jared Huffman and a group of 13 lawmakers who sent a letter to the the State Department regarding the dire humanitarian impact of U.S. sanctions on the Iranian...
Reports of Medicine Shortages and Skyrocketing Cost of Basic Goods In Iran Suggest US Sanctions Overcompliance Could Cause Humanitarian Disaster in Iran ...
President Trump has threatened to put the U.S. into material breach of the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), by failing to renew nuclear sanctions w...
Despite the nuclear deal between the U.S. and Iran, the U.S. trade embargo with Iran will not be among the sanctions to be lifted. This means that Iranian Americans will continue to be prohibite...
Under the amended version of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, S.615, most fundamental elements of the original Corker-Menendez bill remain intact. This includes the most problematic elements of ...
Under the amended version of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, S.615, most fundamental elements of the original Corker-Menendez bill remain intact. This includes the most problematic elements of ...
In response to outreach from the National Iranian American Council, one more university is taking steps to ensure that its enforcement of sanctions and other restrictions against Iran do not undu...
With growing confidence that a framework nuclear deal with Iran will be sealed before the March 31 deadline, Congress is turning its attention to oversight of any nuclear agreement. ...
With growing confidence that a framework nuclear deal with Iran will be sealed before the March 31 deadline, Congress is turning its attention to oversight of any nuclear agreement. ...
NIAC Policy Director Jamal Abdi released the following statement after Iran sanctions legislation (S. 269) was advanced out of the Senate Banking Committee: “This legislation is a trojan horse ...
With a potential nuclear deal only weeks away, the National Iranian American Council is urging that a direct banking channel be established between the U.S. and Iran. ...