Nearly two months into the Biden administration, the fate of the Iran deal remains uncertain. Rather than abide by his campaign promise to return the U.S. to the Iran nuclear deal, the Biden team has done nothing to reverse Trump’s failed “maximum pressure” policy that imposed crushing sanctions on a nation of 83 million people amidst a global pandemic. The longer Iran and the U.S. remain in a political deadlock, the greater the risk of escalating tensions in the Middle East, of bringing Iran closer to having nuclear weapons capability, and of irreparably harming the road to diplomacy.
That’s why NIAC wants YOU to join our JCPOA Week of Action. Beginning March 29th, thousands of pro-diplomacy Americans across the country will raise their voices in support of the JCPOA. Together, we can urge Biden to turn the page on Trump’s failed “maximum pressure” campaign and make it clear to the new administration that we must save the JCPOA and re-pave the path to diplomacy with Iran.
NIAC’s Week of Action coincides with the first two weeks of Norooz, the Persian New Year celebrated by our community in the United States and around the world. Norooz represents not only the welcoming of Spring, but also the renewed opportunity for peace and diplomacy.
Here are ways YOU can make an impact during our JCPOA Week of Action. Make sure you stay up to date with our progress by signing up for our alerts here!
Monday: Sign our petition calling on the Biden Administration for a swift and decisive return to the JCPOA!
Tuesday: Join our Twitter Storm 1pm ET to help us get #ReSealTheDeal trending. Make sure to tag your Members of Congress and President Biden! You can find sample tweets here.
Wednesday: Tune in to our expert panel “The Iran Nuclear Deal or No Deal”! You can find the recording here.
Thursday, April 1st: Congress needs to hear from you! Call your representatives and senators to ask them to push the Biden administration to a swift and decisive return to the JCPOA.
Friday: If you haven’t signed our petition yet, make sure to do it now! If you have, help spread the word by sharing the petition on Facebook and Twitter!
Cosponsoring organizations include:
American Friends Service Committee; Brooklyn For Peace; Coalition for Peace Action; CODEPINK; Coloradans for Middle East Diplomacy and Peace; Demand Progress; Friends Committee on National Legislation; Helena Service for Peace and Justice/SERPAJ; Historians for Peace and Democracy; Institute for Policy Studies, New Internationalism Project; Interfaith Peace Network of WNY; Iowa Peace Network; J Street Colorado; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Massachusetts Peace Action; New Hampshire Peace Action; New York Progressive Action Network; NIAC Action; No Sanctions on Iran Coalition; Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility; Physicians for Social Responsibility; Peace Corps Iran Association; Peace Action; Peace Action New York State; Rethinking Foreign Policy, Inc.; Syracuse Peace Council; Win Without War; WNY Peace Center; Women’s Action for New Directions; and Women’s March