February 10, 2020

Call Congress to End the Muslim Ban

NIAC Action and our coalition partners have been working tirelessly to pass the NO BAN Act, which would repeal the Muslim ban and prevent future unjust bans. Now we’re finally getting movement on the bill. The House of Representatives will be voting on the NO BAN Act some time during the week of March 9. This is a major milestone on our campaign to end the Muslim ban once and for all. Call your representative today to ask them to pass the NO BAN Act!

Contact your representative by calling 1-844-ACT-NIAC and ask the operator for your House Representative.
Find your House representative >>

Here’s a sample script:
“My name is XX and I am a constituent from YYtown and a member of NIAC Action. I’m calling to ask Representative XX to support the NO BAN Act. I’m concerned about Trump’s Muslim ban because [insert personal reason/story].

Can I count on Representative XX to vote yes on the NO BAN Act when it comes to a vote this week?” 

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