March 19, 2009

First-Ever Norooz Resolution Introduced in House of Representatives

Washington, DC – NIAC welcomes a resolution introduced today by Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA), which honors Norooz and wishes a happy New Year to the Iranian-American community and the people of Iran.  The resolution, H.Res. 267, is the first of its kind to be introduced in the House of Representatives. 

“Norooz embodies the principle that each individual’s thinking, speaking, and conduct should always be virtuous,” Rep. Honda said.  “It promotes compassion for our fellow human beings irrespective of ethnicity or religion. Because of this, Norooz maintains a unique capacity to unite people of many faiths.”

Prior to its introduction, the resolution quickly attracted 25 cosponsors, representing 13 States.  The National Iranian American Council has encouraged all Iranian Americans to call or write to their Representatives, asking them to support the resolution. 

“Norooz is a time of new beginnings,” said NIAC President Trita Parsi.  “What better message is there for Congress to send to Iranian Americans and to the Iranian people?” 

This year, Norooz falls on Saturday, March 20, and continues for thirteen days.  The resolution states that “Norooz symbolizes a time of renewal and community: it harkens the departure from the trials and tribulations of the previous year and brings hope for the New Year.” 

In a statement, Rep. Honda commended NIAC and PAAIA for their strong outreach and support to make this resolution possible. 

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NIAC is a Washington, DC-based 501 c(3) non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the interests of the Iranian-American community. NIAC is funded through donations from the Iranian-American community as well as grants from the Pluralism Fund, the Kenbe Foundation, the Ploughshares Fund, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, among others. For more information about the organization, please visit niacouncil.org, email us at [email protected] or send a fax to (202) 386-6409.




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