After withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and threatening Iran with "consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before," President Trump announced on Monday that...
The world has become so numb to the words of the President of the United States that it even dismisses threats of war as either a political distraction or a Trumpian negotiation tactic. But there...
“It’s amazing how quickly the new normal becomes the new normal – we tend to forget that nine months ago this was impossible,” Trita Parsi, president of the National Iranian American Counc...
"For a deal to be enduring, both sides need to feel that they won. I think it is important to try to find a balanced deal and resist the urge for tactical short gains and think a little more long...
National Iranian American Council applauds a court decision protecting the Persepolis Tablets and other ancient Iranian artifacts from being awarded as damages. ...
“Khamenei is signaling, primarily to his domestic audience, that the nuclear deal doesn’t change the larger picture — Iran still distrusts America… It’s a mirror i...
The defeat of AIPAC’s ill-advised push for new sanctions on Iran in the midst of successful negotiations is nothing short of historic. The powerful and hawkish pro-Israeli lobby’s d...
In last night's State of the Union address, the president had the opportunity to address the group of lawmakers that could very well determine whether his legacy includes a deal that resolves the...
[NIAC] has been a longtime advocate of diplomacy and the White House has clearly taken unprecedented steps in that direction. To extend an invitation to Trita Parsi would be a wise and bold mov...
“Ultimately [a final deal], if successful, is not just going to be about centrifuges and breakout capabilities… [it] has the potential of significantly reorienting Iran’s enti...
If President Barack Obama's administration sought to prove that successful nuclear diplomacy with Tehran would not improve U.S.-Iranian relations in other areas, the recent diplomatic fiasco over...
“The secretary-general miscalculated; The Syrian opposition freaked out much more ferociously than he expected. This ended up being a confidence depleting exercise between Iran and the se...