Tag: US-Iran News
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To schedule an interview with one of our experts, please contact us at [email protected] or via phone at 202-386-6325.
WASHINGTON DC - Moments ago, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced that it was imposing sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. The sanctions were imposed on Zarif, ac...
As foreign-policy practitioners with decades of collective experience in national security and diplomacy, we write to warn that U.S.-Iran tensions have entered a dangerous new phase that has put ...
WASHINGTON DC - Moments ago President Donald Trump signed off on an executive order imposing a new wave of sanctions on Iran following increased tensions between the U.S. and Iran last week. The ...
“We call on all parties to fully uphold their commitments under the nuclear accord and condemn any and all violations of this agreement that is so important to preventing war and the spread of ...
This potential designation isn’t about adding pressure on the IRGC, one of the most heavily sanctioned entities on the planet that has arguably benefitted more than anyone from U.S. sanctions. ...
Any concession to Trump that would hint of Iranian submission – even if only symbolic - would be treated as capitulation in Iran ...
After withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and threatening Iran with "consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before," President Trump announced on Monday that...
The world has become so numb to the words of the President of the United States that it even dismisses threats of war as either a political distraction or a Trumpian negotiation tactic. But there...
NIAC Research Director Reza Marashi discusses U.S.-Iran relations and recent dynamics in the Persian Gulf with the Foreign Policy Association. ...
Washington DC- The House of Reprentatives urgently needs to hear from you about stopping additional funding for the war in Iraq to be used for any military operation against Iran. Speaker Nancy Pelosi...
Washington DC – Military strikes, instead of setting back Iran’s nuclear program, could actually speed up their production of a nuclear weapon, according to a new report written by one of the ...
For immediate release Battle Over Pre-Conditions Could Scuttle Talks Before They Begin...