A Maryland Judge granted our Motion for Preliminary Injunction blocking Muslim Ban 3.0 from going into effect for the duration of our lawsuit! ...
Enforcement of Muslim Ban 3.0 will remain blocked for the duration of the lawsuit filed by NIAC, Muslim Advocates, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Covington Burling LLP...
IAAB v. Trump, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, is the first major lawsuit brought against President Trump’s Muslim Ban 3.0. The plaintiffs in this action are Iranian A...
It has taken the Trump administration three takes to figure out how to legally implement a Muslim ban – because they still have not figured out it is unconstitutional to implement a Muslim ban....
NIAC and our partners just filed the first lawsuit challenging Muslim Ban 3.0. ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Shayan Modarres Phone: 202 386-6325 Email: [email protected] Washington, D.C. –– The National Iranian American Council issued the following statement in res...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Shayan Modarres Phone: 202 386-6325 Email: [email protected] Washington, D.C. –– The National Iranian American Council issued the following statement in res...