Tag: Iranian Digital Empowerment Act
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To schedule an interview with one of our experts, please contact us at [email protected] or via phone at 202-386-6325.
The National Iranian American Council deplores today's Senate passage of S.2799, the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act of 2009. ...
The Huffington Post - The continued demonstration of strength by the Iranian opposition has not only showed the increasing isolation of Iran's ruling elite, but also helped cement a dramatic poli...
The National Iranian American Council welcomes the decision by the Obama Administration to waive provisions of US sanctions that have kept important tools for online communication out of the hand...
Washington, DC – When asked about an alternative to the latest Iran sanctions bill, Robin Wright of the US Institute of Peace said today “I think the opposition in Iran would be stunned an...
The Huffington Post - Two new bills offer a new way forward on Iran. The Stand with the Iranian People Act (SWIPA), led by Rep. Keith Ellison, and the Iranian Digital Empowerment Act (IDEA), led ...
The National Iranian American Council welcomes today's introduction of H.R. 4303, the Stand with the Iranian People Act, in the House of Representatives, and applauds the bill's sponsors Represen...