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[vodpod id=Video.3838962&w=425&h=350&fv=] This state-produced propaganda video was broadcast on the anniversary of the June 12th election, alleging that Neda Agha Soltan was not murdered b...
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports (via that opposition leader Mehdi Karrubi recognizes Ahmadinejad as being the head of Iran’s government, although he is quick to maintain tha...
Radio Zamaneh reports (via that Iranian reformist cleric Mohammad-Taghi Khalaji was arrested yesterday by the Qom Intelligence Department. Khalaji’s son Mehdi affirms that when arre...
Nazila Fathi reports that at least five of the protesters arrested during the Ashura protests last week are being tried for the crime of “warring against God,” a crime that can ultimately le...
From Times Online February 10, 2009 Iranian mob attacks moderate ex-president Mohammed Khatami on anniversary Catherine Philp, Diplomatic Correspondent Iran’s former president was set upon by an...