As you know, Congressman Gresham Barrett (R-SC) announced last week that he plans to introduce shameful legislation (the STEP Act) instituting the mass deportation of Iranians and blocking Iranians from visiting the US.
This bill would tear apart families and force all Iranians who have visas for work or school to be expelled from the country within 60 days of passage.
Thanks to many of you, over 2,000 letters have been signed calling on Congressman Barrett to abandon the STEP Act! But there’s still more work to be done to make sure this outrageous proposal does not go forward.
Tomorrow we will be delivering your messages in person to Congressman Barrett’s office in Washington DC.
The more letters we have to deliver, the bigger your voices will be—we want to make sure that Congressman Barrett gets the message, so we need a big push from you.
Now is the time to reach out to your friends and family to make sure they join the 2,000 people who have already signed their letter calling on Congressman Barrett to abandon the STEP Act. Everyone should be aware of this disgraceful proposal so that they can voice their opposition and stop the bill.
So please, forward this link to all of your friends and family and encourage them to sign our letter today so that tomorrow we can tell Rep. Barrett to stop the STEP Act!
January 11, 2010