December 7, 2009

Dr. Nader Vadiee Named New Mexico Professor of the Year

ImageWashington, DC – Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute’s (SIPI) Dr. Nader Vadiee of the Advanced Technical Education Department has been named New Mexico’s 2009 Professor of the Year. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) selected Dr. Vadiee from a group of more than 300 candidates.

In his announcement, US Department of Interior Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs Larry Echo Hawk stated, “I am pleased to see that a professor at one of our colleges has achieved such a prestigious honor. It provides tangible demonstration of the positive role models our youth and students throughout Indian Country need.”

NIAC congratulates Dr. Vadiee on his achievements and hopes this award will inspire other Iranian Americans to more actively engage themselves in their communities.  




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