"Maximum pressure hasn’t helped with opening political space in Iran but appears to have led to increased repression and closed space for human rights advocates on the ground," according to Tar...
On February 6th, President Rouhani suggested before an audience of foreign ambassadors and diplomats in Tehran that Iran would deal with a "repentant" United States. Rouhani stated that the U.S...
The snapback of Iran sanctions, which went into effect on August 6th, 2018, punish 80 million ordinary Iranians, who are being plunged into economic misery and denied basic necessities such as life-s...
The reality is that Trump’s pressure campaign weakens those within Iran who seek more conciliatory foreign relations and a more open political and social domestic landscape. It also empowers Te...
Washington, D.C - “Public dialogue with the (Iranian) state occurs through protest and those protests force changes to come about,” observed Sanam Anderlini, Executive Director and cofounder ...
Trump’s threats to kill the nuclear deal have inhibited investment, leading to continued economic distress—but it was the Iranian government’s leaked budget that enraged the public. ...
As Iranians protest in the largest numbers since the disputed 2009 Iranian Presidential election that sparked the Green Movement, many lawmakers are wondering how to stand with Iranians as they bravel...
In a matter of days, protests in Iran have quickly spread across the country, taking the government by surprise and leaving analysts and pundits alike confused. Part of the reason many have been caugh...
As things currently stand, these protests more closely resemble a continuation of Iran’s long-standing civil rights movement rather than an attempt to overthrow the government. ...
NIAC Action Executive Director Jamal Abdi released the following statement welcoming the introduction of a resolution from Reps. Ed Royce (R-CA), the Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs...