Iran already suffers from severe environmental stressors and a war could be the breaking point. Climate change is a global issue––war never stays confined to one space, and always outlives it...
Despite the absence of substance in Pompeo’s press conference, this move is yet another escalatory step by neoconservatives in the Trump administration, who are deliberately moving the US close...
Answering our community's crucial questions on H.R. 392: its current status, who supports it, and how it interacts with the existing Muslim Ban. ...
This week, a set of Iran sanctions previously lifted under the Iran nuclear deal will snap back into effect as part of President Trump’s complete violation of the accord. ...
Any concession to Trump that would hint of Iranian submission – even if only symbolic - would be treated as capitulation in Iran ...
After withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and threatening Iran with "consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before," President Trump announced on Monday that...
How an organization that was only delisted by the US Department of State as a terrorist group in 2012 could so soon after win influential friends at the heart of America’s current administratio...
Unlike with Pyongyang, America's allies in the region are not interested in a diplomatic solution to the Iran issue. ...
Lawmakers and advocacy groups undertook many steps to weaken the Iran nuclear deal during the Obama era to set up President Trump’s unilateral termination. Last week, Republicans on the Permanent Su...
It is critically important for policymakers concerned that Trump has re-opened the door to an Iranian nuclear weapon and war not to back down in the face of Trump’s hyped threats or, worse, to ...
The Senate would do well to follow the House’s lead — and go even farther to shut all the backdoors to war. ...
His hopes for a “better deal” are based on the myth—partly encouraged by Obama—that sanctions forced Iran to come to terms in 2015. ...