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On April 17th, over 30 inmates in the 350 Ward of Iran’s Evin Prison were subjected to physical abuse and forcible head shavings, according to human rights groups outside of Iran. Victims included p...
A military court in Iran sentenced two men on Wednesday to death and nine others to jail for the torture of three protesters which resulted in their death last summer at the notorious Kahrizak detenti...
Over the course of the past eight months, thousands of Iranians have been placed in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison; this round-up includes protesters of the fraudulent June elections, members of the...
The Iranian-Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari, who was recently released from Evin Prison, has an excellent op-ed in today’s Washington Post. In it, Bahari argues two main points: 1) The U.S. mu...
According to mowjcamp, about 20 post-election detainees, mostly the youth, were released on Wednesday. Close sources to the mowjcamp also said that half of the released detainees were women. The only ...
According to BBC Persian, Amir Javadi Far has died in Evin Prison after being arrested on the 18th of Tir (July 9th). Javadi Far, who was getting his industrial administrative degree from the Universi...
According to Kodoom, Mohsen Roh Allamini, the son of Dr. Abdullah Hussein Roh Allamini Najafabadi has died in Evin prison after he was arrested during the Tir 18 (July 9) demonstrations. Dr. Najafab...
Human Rights Watch reported today that “Iranian authorities are coercing detained supporters of reform presidential candidates to implicate leading reformists in illegal acts.” Parleman ne...
cross posted from HuffingtonPost: As Iran’s election crisis continues, hundreds if not thousands of prisoners remain in Iran’s notorious Evin prison. Few of them have faces known to the ou...
cross posted from the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran Iran: Young Blogger Dies in Prison Second Prisoner of Conscience to Die in the Past Two Weeks (19 March 2009) The death of an impr...