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Hooman Majd, Vali Nasr, Bret Stephens, and Hillary Mann Leverett discuss the effects of sanctions, the probability of negotiations, and the likelihood of war on Fareed Zakaria GPS. Chinese foreign mi...
Obama has taken office. His first day was filled with phone calls to the leaders of Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the president of the Palestinian Authority. It is evident that Obama is making an early ef...
Yesterday, at the Council for the National Interest Foundation‘s Capitol Hill briefing entitled “Rx to Obama: Real Change Now in the Middle East,” a panel of speakers added their voi...
It seems that Dennis Ross’ role in the Obama administration will not be confined to the Iran portfolio as had earlier been suspected. Bloomberg, AP and others are reporting that Ross will be i...
Last week the Washington Post ran an OpEd by two former Senators, Chuck Robb (D-VA) and Dan Coats (R-ID). In it, they endorsed sustained aggressive action in future U.S. dealings with Iran, saying ...