Reuters quotes NIAC's Reza Marashi about the Iranian government's efforts to "quarantine" its population from the global Internet. ...
Reuters quotes NIAC's Reza Marashi about the Iranian government's efforts to "quarantine" its population from the global Internet. ...
"Iran is a sovereign state whose people are struggling bravely for their own freedom. It is natural and right for us to want to support their struggle. The question is how?" ...
The BBC has taken a fresh look at a story the Boston Globe first ran a couple weeks ago about the demise of the Iran “Democracy Fund,” a program started under the Bush administration to su...
The National Iranian American Council expresses grave concern about the human rights situation in Iran and urges the government of Iran to respect the internationally recognized rights of its cit...
A group of Iranian scientists, humanitarians, and social service workers has sent a letter to President Bush and members of Congress urging them to abolish the controversial "Iran Democracy Fund"...
Iranian Nobel prize laureate Shirin Ebadi has long argued that the United States and Iran need to have a dialogue with each other at three different levels: between their executive branches, betw...
Massachusetts Representative Bill Delahunt ended the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight hearing by echoing words he heard from Iranian Non-Gov...
In a controversial move last month, Congress appropriated $60 million for a package of State Department programs designed to "promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Iran," in par...