November 29, 2017

NIAC Statement on President’s Retweet of Hate Group Videos

Trita Parsi, President of the National Iranian American Council, issued the following statement after President Trump retweeted a British white supremacist’s hateful videos attempting to vilify Muslims:

This morning, Donald Trump disgraced the office of the President by retweeting a British white supremacist’s hateful videos aimed at vilifying Muslims. It’s no secret that Trump wants to stoke fears of Muslims – and those of Middle Eastern descent – in order to enact his bigoted agenda, including the Muslim ban. Faced with a demagogue in the White House, the American people must continue to unite to reject Trump’s hatred and bar him from enshrining it in law. 

It is important to recognize that this isn’t about Islam. The strain of deep-rooted racism in America that once justified separating Blacks and Whites or the mistreatment of Jews, is today manifesting itself as Islamophobia. To stand up against Islamophobia is simply to stand up against bigotry and racism, it is not equivalent to taking a theological position in favor of or against Islam.

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