Washington, DC – The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) sends its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of last night’s shootings outside of Jewish community centers in Kansas City that left three innocent people dead. It goes without saying that NIAC unequivocally condemns this heinous act of hate that was allegedly perpetrated by an individual who is an avowed white supremacist and anti-semite.
Our organization’s thoughts are with the Jewish community in Kansas City and throughout the United States and world, as well as the entire community impacted by this terrifying act of violence. We grieve not just as members of the Iranian American community–which includes many Jewish members and which has itself faced acts of hatred and discrimination–but also as members of a shared community. These hate crimes were not only an act of violence against the American Jewish community, but also an attack against the basic values and ideals that bind all of us.
This tragedy is yet another reminder that, whatever ethnic, cultural, religious, or other distinctions that may exist among the many diverse groups throughout our country and planet, we all must work together to stand against the hatred and radicalism that manifests itself through such heinous, inhumane acts. There is so much work to be done to build bridges, increase dialogue, and isolate hate and extremism; as we grieve today, we know we must continue and redouble our efforts together to help build a more peaceful future.