This is the first installment of a recurring thread here at niacINsight called the NIAC round-up. The idea is to give you a quick glance around the landscape from our vantage point here on K Street, and maybe you’ll come across something you might not have seen otherwise. Let us know what you think in the comments section below…
- With our annual policy conference tomorrow, the neocons and MEK are at it again. This time, they’re mobilizing anyone they can to try to disrupt our event on Capitol Hill. Fortunately for us, the Capitol Police generally keep a tight lid on officially-designated terrorist organizations trying to disrupt Congressional business. I think we’ll be fine.
- Speaking of our conference, news outlets are buzzing about the Joint Experts Statement on Iran that we’ll be unveiling as part of our panel discussion called “Can Obama Untangle the Iranian Challenge?.” Check out the coverage here and here.
- Iran testfired a new solid fuel missile last week…or did it? Check out this expert analysis of Iranian missile design from our friends over at ArmsControlWonk.
- Robert Dreyfuss over at the Nation wagers that the Iraqi cabinet approved the US Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) yesterday because Iran gave up its opposition to the SOFA out of deference to President-elect Obama. An interesting theory–perhaps another subtle hint that Iran might be ready to deal with the US once the 44th President takes over.
- Still nothing on the US Interests Section…
- I’ll be speaking on Thursday as part of a videoconference with Americans for Informed Democracy. The topic of discussion is “At a Crossroads: Diplomacy & Iran” and the videoconference will consist of universities in predominantly Muslim countries in Africa and the Middle East along with universities from throughout the United States and hopefully Iran. It is scheduled for 10:00 AM EST – 12:00 PM EST on November 20, 2008. To register, contact Vicente Garcia.