News and opinion from around the world today. Click on the links for relevant, timely, and always-informative news highlights concerning Iran:
- Gause: Nuclear overreaction, The National (Abu Dhabi)
- Iran to Dominate Last Meeting of Ehud Olmert and George W Bush, Telegraph
- Israel Fears US will Dither while Iran goes Nuclear, The Times
- Some in Arab World Wary of Clinton, Washington Post
- Afrasiabi: A New Spin on Iran’s Nuclear Fuel, Asia Times Online
- US official urges Iran to seize chance for amends, AP
- Lebanon and Iran expected to talk weapons, Los Angeles Times
- Iran arrests ‘Israel-linked spy network’, AFP
- Iran risks spending squeeze in election year, Reuters
- OPEC head sees need for further deep output cut, Reuters
(h/t Tony)
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