Ryan Costello, Policy Director with the National Iranian American Council, issued the following statement on the handful of Democratic lawmakers who attacked the Biden administration’s ongoing negotiations with Iran in a press conference today:
Back to top“Why are self-described Democrats aligning with Trump and Pompeo’s failed approach to Iran? If they want Biden to double down on Trump’s failed approach and take the US to war, they can attend a MAGA rally and announce their backward position there.”
“Their efforts can only serve to undermine our negotiators as they seek to trade in Trump’s bad faith sanctions for concessions including a rollback of Iran’s nuclear program. It makes no sense for them to support Iran’s steady nuclear advance, worsening regional security that led to rockets fired on U.S. bases in Iraq, and ongoing deprivation and impoverishment of the Iranian people by crushing US sanctions. Yet, many of the same Democrats objecting to a key national security objective of the President also did their utmost to sabotage Biden’s domestic agenda. Fortunately, they do not have the votes to block a return to the agreement and were only able to muster five legislators to show up to their ill-advised press conference.”