NIAC Action joined over 400 civil rights, immigrant, and civil society groups today, including the National Action Network, NAACP, ACLU, and Black Lives Matter, calling on the U.S. Congress to enact reforms in response to national protests against police brutality and systemic racism. The killing of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and centuries of violence and oppression necessitate a robust response from our nation’s representatives in order to help create a system where Black lives are valued.
The letter asks Congress to pursue 8 specific policy recommendations, including reforming use of force standards by police officers, expanding data on police violence, eliminating the transfer of military equipment to law enforcement, and expanding liability standards in order to help hold police more accountable. We call on Congress to enact these reforms to help rectify the gross injustices still prevalent in our society and ensure that those marching for justice are heard.
You can read the full letter below and may download a PDF of the letter HERE:
Coalition_Letter_to_House_and_Senate_Leadership_on_Federal_Policing_Priorites_Final_6.1.20Back to top