January 15, 2020

Call Congress to Demand No War with Iran!

There are a number of pieces of legislation that both the House and the Senate will be voting on these next two weeks that will help block Trump’s path to war with Iran. Call your representatives TODAY to make sure they vote the right way!

Contact your representatives by calling 1-844-ACT-NIAC and ask the operator for your home state Senators and House Representative (you will have to do this one at a time):

(find your Senators and House Representative)

Here’s are sample scripts of what to say:

“My name is XX. I am a constituent from YY town and a member of NIAC Action. I’m calling because I’m concerned Trump is leading us to a war with Iran. [insert personal story if you wish].

Congress must take action to prevent another disastrous war. Can I count on Senator XX to vote YES on Sen. Kaine’s war powers resolution? This resolution would affirm that Congress has not given the president the authority to start a war with Iran.”

“My name is XX. I am a constituent from YY town and a member of NIAC Action. I’m calling because I’m concerned Trump is leading us to a war with Iran. [insert personal story if you wish].

Congress must take action to prevent another disastrous war. It is possible that the Senate will soon pass a war powers resolution on Iran. Can I count on Representative XX to support immediate passage of this resolution out of the House so it can be sent to Trump’s desk?” 

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