April 26, 2012

House now has three resolutions endorsing Israeli-led preventive war on Iran

The pro-Iran war posturing continues in the House, with yet another Member of Congress throwing their hat in the ring to signal support for Israeli-led preventive war on Iran.
Arizona Republican Paul Gosar has dropped what is now the third resolution in the 112th Congress providing Congressional cover for Israeli strikes—which the Pentagon has warned would drag the U.S. into war.
Signaling unconditional support for Israeli strikes significantly undercuts U.S. efforts to avoid war; it politicizes Israeli security (which is supposedly sacrosanct); and it provides political leverage against the U.S. administration for hawks in Israel (a group which, by the way, apparently doesn’t include Israel’s military chief).
Gosar’s resolution, H.Res.630, has no cosponsors.  But between his new measure, a “happy birthday Israel, now go bomb Iran” resolution, and the one that started it all–the Gohmert resolution, there are now 120 House Members who have endorsed Israeli preventive war in the current Congress.
The full list is below–I wonder how many of these Members have repeated the line that we must “listen to our generals”?  All the while, they disregard the overwhelming opposition to war with Iran expressed by the U.S. military, and instead follow the AIPAC-Netanyahu line (although AIPAC has been careful to not publicly endorse these measures, yet).

Gosar’s resolution also, tellingly, plays fast and loose with the facts, repeating the dangerous meme that Iran is actively building a nuclear weapon.  This misstatement has been repeatedly shot down by top officials, including in testimony before Congress.  They have made clear that, while Iran’s nuclear program is a serious concern that must be addressed, Iran’s leadership has not decided to actively pursue a nuke.  U.S. intelligence agrees.  Israeli intelligence agrees.  The IAEA agrees.  Congressional hawks, however, have their own set of facts.
The resolution also comes at a time when the U.S is finally gaining diplomatic traction in sensitive negotiations with Iran. Progress on the diplomatic front is critical to resolve the nuclear standoff, prevent war, and finally directly address the neglected issue of human rights in Iran.
Whether political opportunism or policy ignorance, it is unconscionable for elected officials to play games when the lives of U.S. servicemembers–not to mention civilians in Iran and Israel–are on the line.  Yes, the question of nuclear weapons-acquisition versus capability is complicated.  Yes, diplomacy is tough.  But war is not simple nor easy.  And we deserve for our representatives in Congress to do their homework instead of paving a path through falsehoods to another war of choice.
Representatives who have signed onto resolutions endorsing Israeli preventive strikes on Iran (113 Republicans in bold, 7 Democrats in italics:

Rep Adams, Sandy
Rep Austria, Steve
Rep Bachmann, Michele
Rep Bachus, Spencer
Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G.
Rep Barton, Joe
Rep Bilirakis, Gus M.
Rep Blackburn, Marsha
Rep Boren, Dan
Rep Brady, Kevin
Rep Broun, Paul C.
Rep Bucshon, Larry
Rep Buerkle, Ann Marie
Rep Burton, Dan
Rep Canseco, Francisco “Quico”
Rep Cardoza, Dennis A.
Rep Carter, John R.
Rep Chabot, Steve
Rep Chaffetz, Jason
Rep Coble, Howard
Rep Cole, Tom
Rep Conaway, K. Michael
Rep Culberson, John Abney
Rep DesJarlais, Scott
Rep Diaz-Balart, Mario
Rep Duncan, Jeff
Rep Ellmers, Renee L.
Rep Flake, Jeff
Rep Fleischmann, Charles J. “Chuck”
Rep Fleming, John
Rep Flores, Bill
Rep Forbes, J. Randy
Rep Franks, Trent
Rep Gallegly, Elton
Rep Garrett, Scott
Rep Gohmert, Louie
Rep Goodlatte, Bob
Rep Gosar, Paul A.
Rep Gowdy, Trey
Rep Granger, Kay
Rep Graves, Tom
Rep Griffin, Tim
Rep Griffith, H. Morgan
Rep Grimm, Michael G.
Rep Guinta, Frank C.
Rep Hall, Ralph M.
Rep Hanna, Richard L.
Rep Harper, Gregg
Rep Harris, Andy
Rep Hartzler, Vicky
Rep Hayworth, Nan A. S.
Rep Hensarling, Jeb
Rep Holden, Tim
Rep Huelskamp, Tim
Rep Huizenga, Bill
Rep Hultgren, Randy
Rep Issa, Darrell E.
Rep Johnson, Bill
Rep Johnson, Sam
Rep Jordan, Jim
Rep Kelly, Mike
Rep King, Steve
Rep Kingston, Jack
Rep Kline, John
Rep Lamborn, Doug
Rep Lance, Leonard
Rep Landry, Jeffrey M.
Rep Lankford, James
Rep Latta, Robert E.
Rep Long, Billy
Rep Luetkemeyer, Blaine
Rep Lummis, Cynthia M.
Rep Mack, Connie
Rep Manzullo, Donald A.
Rep Marchant, Kenny
Rep Marino, Tom
Rep McCaul, Michael T.
Rep McClintock, Tom
Rep McHenry, Patrick T.
Rep McKinley, David B.
Rep McMorris Rodgers, Cathy
Rep Michaud, Michael H.
Rep Miller, Candice S.
Rep Miller, Jeff
Rep Mulvaney, Mick
Rep Murphy, Tim
Rep Myrick, Sue Wilkins
Rep Neal, Richard E.
Rep Pearce, Stevan
Rep Pence, Mike
Rep Pitts, Joseph R.
Rep Poe, Ted
Rep Pompeo, Mike
Rep Posey, Bill
Rep Price, Tom
Rep Reed, Tom
Rep Ribble, Reid J.
Rep Roe, David P.
Rep Rogers, Harold
Rep Rokita, Todd
Rep Runyan, Jon
Rep Rush, Bobby L.
Rep Schmidt, Jean
Rep Scott, Tim
Rep Sessions, Pete
Rep Shimkus, John
Rep Smith, Adrian
Rep Smith, Christopher H.
Rep Southerland, Steve
Rep Stivers, Steve
Rep Stutzman, Marlin A.
Rep Tiberi, Patrick J.
Rep Turner, Robert L.
Rep Walberg, Tim
Rep Walsh, Joe
Rep West, Allen B.
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A.
Rep Wilson, Joe
Rep Woodall, Rob
Rep Yoder, Kevin
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