Three hundred employees of Dr. Shapour Kazemi, Zahra Rahnavard’s brother, pleaded for his release from Evin prison today in an open letter to Sadegh Larijani, Iran’s Chief of Judiciary.
The letter emphasizes the high academic and scientific achievements of Dr. Kazemi for Iran’s electronic industry, while mentioning the fact that he has not been involved in political activities at any time in his life. The letter asks for Kazemi’s immediate release and for the restoration of his rights.
Shapour Kazemi, aged 62, a brother-in-law of Mir Hossein Mousavi, has been imprisoned in Evin for about 60 days. The main reason for his arrest is presumably his relationship to Mousavi. He is being held without charge and does not have access to a lawyer. He is reported to have had one meeting with his mother, which was filmed by prison guards. Amnesty International fears that he is not being given regular access to medication, which he needs for high blood pressure. Zahra Rahnavard has said that he was detained to put pressure on her and her husband to openly accept the outcome of the 12 June 2009 presidential election.
September 9, 2009