According to Tabnak, Dr. Mohammad Zabihi was arrested about two weeks ago but the local media has been silent about the news.
Tabnak reported that Dr. Mohammad Zabihi is the President of Tarbiat Modares University in Qom where Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, Iran’s Judiciary chief teaches. The university in Qom is one of the main universities in this city which has close relation with the Qom seminary (howzeh). Dr. Zabihi is also the Chief Editor of the Philosophy-Theology Research quarterly.
Update: According to ParlemanNews, Dr. Mohammad Zabihi, manager of Mousavi’s Principlalist supporters’ campaign and President of Tarbiat Modares Univeristy in Qom, was released on bail but his son is still in detention. His arrest was very high profile since he is a cleric, and also the new head of the Judiciary is a faculty member of Qom University. Also Dr. Soleimani a member of the Assembly of Qom Seminary Teachers was also released from prison.
August 31, 2009