September 2, 2009

Approval of Ahmadinejad’s Cabinet Postponed to Tomorrow

According to Fars News, MP Mohammad Reza Mir Tajoldeeni has said that the Majles debates reviewing the qualification of 3 proposed ministers will be postponed until tomorrow (h/t New York Times):

A member of the Administrative Body of Majles announced the message that today’s Majles session will end at 6pm, and said, “The meeting for reviewing the qualifications of proposed Ministers of the President will not be finished in 3 sessions.”
In announcing that the Majles’ meetings would carry on to a fourth day, Mohammad Reza Mir Tajoldeeni said,  “The fourth day of Majles’ Meetings reviewing the Qualifications of the Ministers will probably last until 12 noon tomorrow.”
He added that tomorrow’s meetings will cover the Ministers of Oil, Armed Forces, and Housing. But if the Ministers can approve the Minister of Housing today, they can finish the qualification review by noon tomorrow.

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