Last week, NIAC united the Iranian-American community against Congressman Gresham Barrett’s (R-SC) plan to reintroduce the Stop Terrorist Entry Program (STEP) Act, a bill he originally introduced in 2003 that sought to deport all non-immigrant Iranians in the US and ban Iranians from entering the US.
Iranian Americans immediately sprung into action, sending nearly 5,000 letters calling on Rep. Barrett to rethink his disgraceful legislation.  Hours after NIAC delivered your letters to his office, Rep. Barrett confirmed to NIAC that the deportation language would be removed in the revised bill.
This was a major victory, but the fight is not over yet.
The STEP Act was introduced on January 13th-it still labels all Iranians as “terrorists” and would ban them from getting US visas. This bill would prevent Iranians from visiting their family in the US, and at a time of increasing repression in Iran, would impose even greater burdens on Iranians seeking refuge.
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