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It’s no challenge trying to find an American flag and seal in the U.S. State Department. Almost every place you look, you can find our nation’s beautiful seal decorated with these powerful words, ...
As of today, niacINsight has a new look. We hope you like it! This is just the beginning, though. In a couple of days, NIAC will unveil a new and improved website over at It̵...
Here at NIAC, we’ve been focusing on doing our work rather than devoting all our time to responding to the flimsy allegations made against us by Eli Lake (with the assistance of an individual we...
Geneive Abdo, Iran analyst at the Century Foundation, wrote an article in the October 7, 2009 edition of Foreign Policy about the expanding power of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Ira...
NIAC is now on Twitter–check us out here:
I want to take a moment to say thanks to all of our loyal readers here at niacINsight. It’s incredibly encouraging for us to see that you care about our work, so thank you. And a special not...
"I hate three things," said an Iranian student leader, "One, I hate Ahmadinejad." ...
Last night, NIAC held an informal meet and greet where members of the community were welcomed to come by to meet NIAC staff and ask questions and discuss any issues on their mind. Between the hours ...
From all of us here at NIAC, happy Independence Day!...
One of the great aspects of America is that we have many different cultures and identities living together in relative harmony. As a democracy, the American political institution functions best when c...
Being an Iranian, raised in Sweden and now living in the United States, I have had the pleasure to experience the Iranian community in these two countries as well as many others. What I have discovere...
It is my first day interning at NIAC and I am very excited to be here. I am from Scotland and attend St Andrews University but I have been in America since last August on my junior year abroad. Studyi...