Fellow NIAC members,
Welcome to NIAC’s official blog!
Over the past year, we have seen tremendous growth here in DC going from 3 full-time employees in January of 2007 to eight currently working out of our offices. This growth and the extensive support of the community has meant that we have a lot more information we would like to share with you and a need to have more lines of communication to our members.
Through this blog, we will be able to share insights about the “behind-the-scenes” dealings in DC that go beyond the range of topics covered in our newsletter and website. Furthermore, the blog is meant to engage Iranian-Americans, as well as the broader American public, in an ongoing discussion about current issues important to our community.
NIAC’s staff and interns in DC will be updating the blog daily to reflect a wide range of topics facing the Iranian American community. Be sure to bookmark the page and join in the conversation on a regular basis.
Over the past few months, we have already posted about 20 items on the blog, feel free to go back and look at some of those to get a sense of the direction we hope to take the blog. And remember, the success of this effort depends on your participation. Please create an account and join us in the comments section.
We all look forward to another banner year here at NIAC, and a huge part of that will be your continued support and feedback.
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