Memo: Trump Moves on Diplomacy
Trump has made major, clear signals of his desire for a new nuclear deal with Iran, building on prior statements supportive of diplomacy. These seem to set the stage for new negotiations, despite his apparently reluctant signature of a memorandum reinstituting “maximum pressure” sanctions against Iran. For those serious about resolving tensions with Iran through diplomacy, putting American interests first and preventing further war in the Middle East, what Trump said about Iran yesterday was very positive. Trump was “torn” about signing his maximum pressure memorandum, and said he hopes it won’t be implemented very much Trump’s maximum pressure memorandum directs the Treasury Department, State Department and Attorney General to take an aggressive posture toward Iran, amplifying sanctions pressure. However, the vast majority of these steps have been the modus operandi of these institutions toward Iran since President Trump first exited the nuclear deal. Somewhat new elements include directions to cancel waivers that provide any benefit to Iran, efforts to drive Iran’s oil exports to zero and calls for the snapback of all international restrictions on Iran, seeming to refer to United Nations resolutions. Yet, in signing the memorandum, Trump signaled ambivalence about signing and said, “hopefully it will be